Give in to Peer Pressure

The Chorus Project aims to become the de-facto standard peer-to-peer (P2P) networking suite. It already includes modules for name resolution, keyword based file sharing, and public forums. All modules in the Chorus Project are free, scalable, and include no spyware. Any new module not meeting these requirements will not be included.

For users, the Chorus Project aims to provide the best known methods of finding requested content anywhere in the world. The implementation is thoroughly tested, runs on many platforms, and is a public project in the public interest. Users are discouraged from running any Chorus module not labelled as stable.

For developers, the Chorus Project breaks the N*M transport protocol problem, enables two firewalled nodes to connect, provides a load-balancing distributed hash table, provides a portable scheme for remote control user-interfaces, and includes several example p2p applications. For more information please refer to the documentation.

The Chorus Project is still in an infantile state! If you are a developer familiar with distributed systems, we encourage you to read our documentation, and if our project provides what you need, join the Chorus Project.

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